Katie Hopkins coursework

Dear Miss Hopkins,

I recently saw your article branding refugees fleeing war and decided to respond. It would a shame if people such as you think like this; if people such as you would simply let people die and not even care to notice; if people such as you think of refugees who have gone through war and disease as a “swarm” or a “plague” which should be wiped out. However, I would like to bet that if you were in their position you would take a more sympathetic view towards their cause and what they have to go through to reach safety.

You say that we need gunships. wouldn’t this just bring a war to the people fleeing it? and causing more tension, and that tension would lead to violence from the refugees? whose families would have been sent back to a war zone. Won’t they then be forced back into the very thing they fled from?. It seems that you would rather use the “tax money” that you care so much about to cause more problems than fix them. How do you think those “British lorry drivers” will feel safe when the people waiting at Calais in horrendous conditions for months just to get in the UK are told to “go back to their own countries.” It’s obvious they will react to this either through violence or a last desperate rush to the UK, putting both themselves and British truckers at risk of harm or death from your actions.

You attack charities which is also attacking everyone they help. As well as this you tell them to ‘get creative in northern Africa.” How can they get creative when they don’t have the resources needed? and You are attack the very people providing the resources for them, also stopping them from developing so situations like this do not happen again. Another point is, I picked up on that you mostly talk about these people as “African” despite the fact that many of these people if not most are from war-torn countries in the middle east such as Syria. I can’t decide why you would choose these words. Is it because you want to limit your hate on black people? Or is it that you don’t want to mention Syria and other countries such as Iraq as that would mean that these people are fleeing war making them refugees not “sores”. Another thing I found worrying is how you described these people in the last paragraph, using words like “feral,””swarm” and “plagues”. This gives us an image of a virus or disease when they are not like this, they are just human.

You also forget that many of these people can contribute to the economy. The fact is most of these migrants will contribute to the economy as migrants claim less benefits than British people, meaning that the country wont be “shelving out benefits like monopoly money.” In fact, migrants have done many things for the UK like help rebuild the country after world war two and work hard throughout the years paying taxes. If you love your country as much as you say you do, then you would let these people in as they will help the country. Not letting them access the UK would bring down the economy, and you would not want that for your precious country would you?.

In conclusion, I wrote this to explain to you that people are not diseases, if you want these people to have a home in the UK then build one where they are so they don’t have to. Your language which consists of tagging desperate people as one big disease shows a total lack of knowledge and humanity and how do you solve a humanitarian crisis without humanity?, I don’t know but perhaps you can tell me?.







2 responses to “Katie Hopkins coursework”

  1. jobrien Avatar

    Hi Harry,

    I enjoyed reading this.

    In order to improve, please address the following issues:

    1) Please check all spelling and punctuation throughout. There are no commas or full stops in the first paragraph, for example.

    2) Please check the lengths of your sentences. There are times when the sentences are very long.

    3) I think you could develop your argument in some points. Maybe you could talk about previous refugees contributing to the UK economy and so forth. You could use statistics here, also.

    At the moment this lies at 20/40 (E1).

  2. jobrien Avatar

    Hi Harry,

    1) The repetition in the first paragraph is a great technique. You need to separate the sentences, however. I can help you with this.

    2) Again, the second paragraph just needs to be punctuated better. The argument is good!

    3) Be careful not to repeat words like ‘also’. Another thing is how you have used tenses. When you talk about what Hopkins argues or writes, use the present tense. For example,

    ‘You are also attacking’ becomes ‘You also attack’.

    This currently sits at 25/40 (D3)
