May 12, 2016

Lit question

In both magnets wood and yellow Palm minhinnick and sheers suggest that conflict can negatively affect a peaceful place and in this question I will be presenting why.

In mametz wood the wood is presented in a way that makes it seem as the earth wants to forget of the conflict this is shown when sheers writes “And now the earth stands sentinel, reaching into itself for reminders of what happened like a wound working a foreign body to the surface of the skin.” This uses imagery to suggest to suggest to the reader that the conflict was a wound on the earth and that such things don’t belong in a peaceful place such as the wood. Also the line “the earth stands sentinel” reinforces the idea of this as the word sentinel means the earth stood still why the conflict was happening implying that the earth stood still in shock and is trying to get rid of the memory of the conflict and significantly it wants to remind us of the conflict to warn us of the pain and loss that war causes.

The poem yellow Palm also shows that a peaceful place such as a mousqe can still be affected by conflict this is shown in the second paragraph when the poem says ” I stopped at the door of the golden mousqe to watch the faithful there but there was blood on the walls and the muzzin’s eyes were wild with despair.” This uses rhyme and imagery to


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